Tuesday, December 16, 2008


hey chainreaction cycles to the rescue! ive just received my adaptor for my new fork. Ive got two discs one 6inch and one 8inch so I ordered the 8inch adapter, it cant hurt to have a bigger anchor to throw overboard when things are getting lairy! So I bolted it on ,bolted on the caliper slipped in the wheel and hey presto the disc is in the caliper by about a quarter of an inch! Turns out its a 7 inch disc not 8. Well at least when the new 8inch disc ive just ordered arrives Ill have something big and shiny on my bike. I think on thursday night Ill admit defeat, leave the Kona in the garage and take out the PlanetX, funny this bike never seems to give me any problems and touch wood is devoid of adapters so far.

1 comment:

jakay said...

Lke the flash seat!!!!!!!